二 执行力 :定投工作细节,形成自己的SOP 笑来老师说“一切都是定投;若是十五个字的话,那么就是,人生无非是认真选择定投标的而已。” 长期持续去做对的事情,一定会有一定成效的。 1 开发信一定要写,社媒营销一定要做:虽然回复率低,但是有了一定基数,肯定有机会的。 很多大公司都喜欢邮件的,说不定哪天你的新品被采购看上了,就被客户抄送@他公司更多同事。 2 开发信简明扼要,并且写清楚你的目的,客户看了你的邮件有什么好处,能给他带来什么合作机会,内容要有亮点。 帖子要经常发,除了发公司给产品 也可以发日常/ 节日问候 3 视频电话也可以和客户约一约,见面>视频电话>语音>文字 不要怕放不开,你打不了这个电话,订单就被先奖赏勇敢的那位 三 沟通力:做业务要清醒 1 和团队的沟通:需要协助 请求,请自己先把问题梳理一遍再抛给别人。久而久之,愿意和你共事的人以后越来越多。 2 屁股决定脑袋,给自己精力腾出好位置,一些不必要的人事 没必要花自己的精力,学会拒绝 聚焦自己 3 照顾好自己,业务做到后面强调心力啊。 不管是坚持开发客户基数,还是客户的不理解不信任--很多时候转危为安 靠的就是那份信念感。消化自己不安的情绪,说不定另外一个客户就给你发水单了 四 理解力 反应力:要能意会客户的暗含语 当客户说贵了 也给你透露预算了, 不要再一个劲说你家产品有多好,工厂多有实力。 这个时候是要把客户注意力转移到如何把这个价钱花得值,能换来哪些回报/ 你有更好的报价方案--列给客户 让客户在配件上面做取舍,能接近预算/ 提高数量等等---质量稳定 双赢 🍎参考💰💰:客户预算40美金,外贸报价62美金,1k a客人说太贵了 预算只有40美金 b“我们在合计一下,看看如何靠近你的目标,如果价格大于40美金,但又比我们现在的价格更优惠了,你能不能接受?因为我们要考虑哪些地方可以降低成本,最终希望达成你的目标 We understand your concern about the pricing, and we really want to find a way to meet your expectations. Let's review and see if there's a way we can come closer to your target. If we can adjust the price to something over $40 per unit, but still offer a more favorable rate than our initial quote, would that be acceptable? We’ll need to explore some areas for possible cost reductions, but our ultimate goal is to reach a solution that works for you. Thank you for your patience as we work through this. a 客户说50美金报价还是贵了 他很懂这个产品 b 我们非常理解您对更具竞争力价格的需求,也知道控制预算的重要性。然而,将单价降至50美元以下对我们来说确实有难度,因为这样会影响产品的稳定性和质量。为了保证质量,我们建议您增加订单数量,这样我们可以在不牺牲质量的前提下优化成本,并为您提供尽可能优惠的价格。 我们的首要目标是支持您的盈利,但我们也认为质量是长期成功的关键。如果我们只关注价格,我们可以立即降低价格来满足您的即时需求,但从长远来看,这种做法对您不利。作为优质供应商,我们致力于建立长期、互利的合作关系,帮助您获得更大的回报。感谢您的理解,让我们共同找到平衡质量和成本的解决方案 We truly appreciate your interest in a more competitive price and understand the importance of staying within budget. Offering a unit price below $50 is challenging for us, as it would compromise the stability and quality of the product. To ensure consistent quality, we would suggest increasing the order quantity, which would allow us to optimize costs and offer you the best possible price without sacrificing standards. Our primary goal is to support your profitability, but we also believe quality is essential for long-term success. If price alone were our focus, we could easily reduce it to meet your immediate needs, but this approach wouldn’t be sustainable or beneficial to you in the long run. As a quality supplier, we are committed to building a lasting, mutually beneficial relationship and maximizing your returns. Thank you for your understanding as we work to achieve a solution that balances quality and cost." a 客户说首单只能500个 b 正如您所知,这款产品的生产成本较高,而500件的订单数量并不会显著降低我们的成本。不过,我们很乐意在公司内部再讨论一下,看看如何更好地支持您的需求。鉴于您40美元的目标价低于我们的生产成本,恳请您给我们一些时间来重新评估并提供一个更贴近您需求的更新报价。感谢您的耐心等待,我们期待能够找到一个互利的解决方案 As you know the cost of producing this product is quite high, and an order quantity of 500 doesn’t significantly reduce our costs. However, we’re happy to discuss internally to explore how we can support you further. Given that your target price of $40 is below our production cost, we kindly ask for a little more time to review and provide an updated proposal that better meets your needs. We appreciate your patience and look forward to finding a mutually beneficial solution. 我们最终和客户商议把材料降低一个等级,配件减少,现在已经准备给他做样品了