Pinging an email
可以翻译为"发送电子邮件"或者"发邮件"。在这种上下文中,"pinging" 意指发送或获取电子邮件,表示建立与收件人的联系。
举例:I'll be pinging an email to inquire about the status of our upcoming meeting.
To cut corners
可以翻译为"走捷径""抄近路""省事" "偷工减料"或 "偷懒""Cut corners" 意味着以不理想的方式做某事,通常是为了节省时间或金钱。在强调正确执行某事的重要性或不采取捷径时使用这个短语。这个表达通常带有一些负面的意味,暗示着不够严谨或不够正规。
举例:Let's complete the project with excellence and attention to detail. We shouldn't cut corners just to meet the deadline.
Raising the bar
可以翻译为"提高标准" "更上一层楼"或者"再创新高",这个短语通常用于激励或鼓励他人做得更好。在一般情况下,也可以用来形容任何试图改进或设定更高标准的情境。
举例:Let's aim to raise the bar in our upcoming project by delivering outstanding results and setting new standards for excellence.
Thinking outside the box
举例:Let's tackle this project by thinking outside the box and coming up with fresh, innovative solutions to make it truly stand out.
In the same boat
可以翻译为"同舟共济" "处境相同"或 "情况一样"。这个短语表示两个或多个人面临相似的困境或挑战。这个短语通常用来描述共同的经历或感觉,尤其是困难或不愉快的经历。
举例:After the unexpected change in project requirements, we're all in the same boat, trying to adapt and meet the new deadlines together.